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The Isle of Mists (The Secrets of Droon #22)
Lost Empire of Koomba (The Secrets of Droon #35)
Pirates of the Purple Dawn (The Secrets of Droon #29)
Flight of the Blue Serpent (The Secrets of Droon #33)
Knights of the Ruby Wand (The Secrets of Droon #36)
Final Quest (The Secrets of Droon: Special Edition #8)
The Chariot of Queen Zara (The Secrets of Droon #27)
Treasure of the Orkins (The Secrets of Droon #32)
Queen of Shadowthorn (The Secrets of Droon #31)
The Moon Dragon (The Secrets of Droon #26)
Escape from Jabar-loo (The Secrets of Droon #30)
In the City of Dreams (The Secrets of Droon #34)
In the Shadow of Goll (The Secrets of Droon #28)