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Night of the Living Rocks, book 7, The Lunch Club
The Mutant Mouse from Outer Space, book 3, The Lunch Club
Le cadeau mutant, Tome 3, Les timbrés
The Return of the Mummy, book 5, The Lunch Club
Les timbrés : N° 3 - Le cadeau mutant
Les timbrés : N° 1 - Le navet spatial
The Curse of the Scarewolf, book 2, The Lunch Club
Revenche of the bigfoot, book 4,  The lunch club
Les traces du bigfoot, tome 4, Les timbrés
Les timbrés : N° 2 - Le Rodri-Garou
The swamp thingy, vol. 6, The lunch club
It Came from the Basement , book 1, The Lunch Club