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Lev loves Liv. A lot.Lev is at the airport waiting for his sweetheart, when a tiny grain of salt plays havoc with what should have been a happy reunion. Admittedly, Lev is allergic to everything: gluten, nuts, lactose, and - most of all – tiny grains of salt.
Lev loves Liv. A lot.Lev is at the airport waiting for his sweetheart, when a tiny grain of salt plays havoc with what should have been a happy reunion. Admittedly, Lev is allergic to everything: gluten, nuts, lactose, and - most of all – tiny grains of salt.


    • ISBN : 9782491277277
    • Éditeur : Patayo
    • Format : -
    • Section : -
    • Parution : 2020-01-14
    • Collection : -

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