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The Titan's Curse, Book 3, Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Le dernier Olympien; Tome 5, Percy Jackson
La mer des monstres, Tome 2, Percy Jackson
The Sea of Monsters, book 2 Percy Jackson and the Olympians
The last olympian,  book 5, Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Le sort du Titan; Tome 3, Percy Jackson
La mer des monstres, Tome 2, Percy Jackson
Percy jackson:the chalice of the gods
Percy Jackson et les héros grecs, Percy Jackson
The Battle of the Labyrinth, book 4, Percy Jackson and the Olympians
The Lightning Thief, book 1, Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Percy Jackson et les dieux grecs; Tome 6, Percy Jackson
Le voleur de foudre; Tome 1, Percy Jackson
Le voleur de foudre, tome 1, Percy Jackson et les Olympiens
La bataille du labyrinthe; tome 4, Percy Jackson